The Prophet’s ﷺ Compassion Towards his Enemies

An excerpt from the talk, ‘The Prophet’s ﷺ Love & Concern for his Ummah
Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 8th December 2017 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester (UK)

Full talk: The Prophet’s ﷺ Love & Concern for his Ummah

The Prophet ﷺ never sought retaliation for those who had wronged him personally. He would often leave people alone and forgive them after they had done something to harm him either directly or indirectly. The Prophet ﷺ suffered as a result of this and those companions around him asked if he could curse those who were causing harm towards the Muslims.

The Prophet ﷺ was not sent as one to curse his ummah, rather like a father he showed mercy towards them. Allah clarifies this in verses of the Qur’an reminding the people as well as the Prophet ﷺ that he has been sent as one to show compassion and mercy towards them.

Find out in this excerpt the compassion of the Prophet ﷺ not just towards his followers, but towards his enemies as well.

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