Listed below are just a few of the methods by which you can assist in the dawah efforts of the Al Kawthar Academy.
The Al Kawthar Academy produces various posters such as one which advertises the regular classes on Fridays at the Al Kawthar Academy in Leicester. If you contact us we can send you this poster so that you may display it in your local Masjid or areas where Muslims often attend, such as a local fast food outlet.
Occasionally we produce leaflets advertising upcoming lectures. We can send these to you so that you can give them out to family and friends; place them at suitable popular locations and in your local Masjids.
Often the best form of dawah is through personal example. History bears testimony to the fact that millions embraced Islam only through observing the conduct of Muslims. An example of this is the impression Muslim traders implanted on the minds of the non-Muslims with whom they traded. It is worth noting that not a single Muslim soldier ever set foot in the most populous Muslim country in the world today, Indonesia, yet the whole country became Muslim through the dawah and example shown by the Muslims traders.
The teachings of Islam were best exemplified in the character of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . Once Sayyidtuna Ayesha رضى الله عنها was questioned concerning the character of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم she replied ‘His character was the Qur’an.’ Meaning that if there was anything that the Qur’an prohibited or discouraged then there was none more distant to it than the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم but if the Qur’an encouraged something, then there was none closer to it than the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Implement the good that you learn, for knowledge without action is a curse.
If you are a site owner or run a blog then you can add a link to our website. We have a colour banner and button available. Please download add these banners and add to your site or blog.
Some Muslims who have benefited from the work of the Al Kawthar Academy have recommended other Muslims whom they have met on Islamic Boards, e-groups and discussion forums to visit our site. May Allah reward such people since this reflects gratitude for that which they have learned and also the implementation of the Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم words, ‘You cannot become true believers until you desire for your brother that which you desire for yourself .’
If you visit a good site and it does not have a link to our site then request them to add us to their links section.
We have been given Muslim e-mail & mailing lists by various organisations and individuals. These brothers and sisters felt that their subscribers would appreciate and benefit from the work carried out by the Al Kawthar Academy. If you are in a position to supply us with such lists then, through a small effort on your part, thousands can be reached by us.
If you live outside Leicester you could try to make arrangements with friends and family so as to visit Leicester to attend the classes, maybe once or twice a month to start off with. Remember nothing in the dunya is gained without giving something in return. Islam is a religion of sacrifice, not ease and luxury. Many of the greatest scholars of Islam travelled thousands of miles on foot to gain knowledge. For more details on the importance and blessings of journeying to gain Ilm please listen to the talk entitled ‘Journeying & Sacrifices for Ilm‘ by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq.
Coming to the dars rather than listening to it over the internet or on tape has additional benefits, such as the blessings gained by the gathering. Furthermore, on certain occasions, such as during the study of the Book of salah in the Saheeh al-Bukhari lessons, practical examples of the different terms used in the ahadeeth were demonstrated by the Shaykh and others in order to facilitate understanding. An example is that in a hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan, it clearly forbids sadl in salah. Shaykh demonstrated what sadl was, the various aspects of sadl and the types of sadl. Such a term would be otherwise very difficult to understand without witnessing a practical example.
Please bear in mind that when travelling the best provision for any journey is taqwa and that Shari rulings should be observed when travelling.
Volunteers will often attend Islamic events up and down the country where they will sell Islamic material produced by Al Kawthar Productions (sister organisation to Al Kawthar Academy). Through the stalls at such events we are able give dawah and it also is a means of raising much needed revenue for our dawah efforts.
If you are aware of any events in your local area where you feel it would be good to have a stall then forward us the details and we will see if we can attend. Please bear in mind that we are constantly in need of volunteers to man stalls and thus your further help in manning the stall would be of enormous help to us.
The Al Kawthar Academy is a registered charity. All funds generated by the Al Kawthar Academy, either through donations or sales, are reinvested in order to fund our dawah efforts.
The Al Kawthar Academy is a waqf organisation and we do our best to ensure that running costs are kept to a bear minimum.
You can make a donation by a number of methods, please contact us for further details or visit our Donations Page.
We are occasionally approached by businesses and members of the Muslim community who wish, for example, the Academy to distribute a thousand cassettes on their behalf to Muslims in the UK and abroad. We provide special rates for those who wish to do this.
If you require further information regarding sponsored distribution then please contact us.
Graphic designers, computer programmers and website designers have offered their services to the Al Kawthar Academy. If you have any expertise that you feel can benefit the Al Kawthar Academy then please forward us your details stating in what manner you can help. If you are not in a position to help us directly due to time restraints or any other reason then you could give us some suggestions in regard to the area that you specialise in.
An example is of one brother who was a DJ before he started practising his Deen. This brother donated the equipment he had to us, demonstrated how it is to be operated and gave a list of contacts that he thought may come of use to us. Alhamdullilah, through this brother coming forward and offering his services many lectures that were not released due to poor sound quality will, Insha-Allah, be coming out in the near future. In addition, the existing lectures will have improved sound quality.
We have a selection of free talks to download. Spread these in every manner possible such as burning them onto CD and giving them out or asking those sites that have lectures to download to add these talks to their downloads section. Please see our Online Audiosection for the list of available talks.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned in one hadeeth about how a Muslim is the mirror of his fellow Muslim. One of the explanations that have been given of this hadeeth is that often we see faults in our fellow Muslims that we do not like; things that are forbidden, that make a person lose his respect in front of those who aim to be close to Allah, and such things that reflect a total lack of Islamic conduct. When one sees such faults in his fellow Muslim then he or she should make them aware, taking care to adopt the correct method. Hence, rather then defaming your brother in front of others, take him aside and advise him with love and affection in the hope that he will change his ways. As the Prophet (saw) said ‘Religion is good nasiha (advice).’
We, as any human being, are in need of good advice. If you have any suggestions for us that will help us increase our efforts in any manner or form, then we ask that you e-mail your suggestions to us at Your suggestions can range from how we should operate to what colour a particular icon should be on our site – all is welcome. Through a few words you may become the means for much good being achieved by others and in turn be rewarded yourself.
Some brothers and sisters have in the past taken time out to come up with a list of suggestions and have then forwarded them to us. If we were unable to reply back to you then we sincerely seek your forgiveness. Please be assured that we have made every effort to implement the good advice given to us.
Invite others to our dawah efforts through your words. It is often the case that people may begin years later to act upon good advice given to them. People have often left an Islamic tape given to them lying around for months or even years before listening to it. It is only Allah that can open people’s hearts to guidance but it is our duty to spread the teachings of Islam starting with our own families.
If you visit Islamic bookshops or other Islamic sites then why not ask them if they can begin retailing material from the Al Kawthar Academy. If an Islamic site or bookshop is constantly inundated with requests for a particular product then surely they would begin selling it soon.