Ramadan 2020 – Day 14: Raised Voices

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Blinding Anger

When a person is angry, there can be many underlying reasons. It could be due to deep-seated insecurities or it could also be due to arrogance. In fact, arrogance can arise from insecurity also. When a person is deeply insecure and consider themselves lowly, they cannot reveal that to the world although sometimes people see… Continue reading Blinding Anger
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Verbal Judo

Often when someone tells us that we are in the wrong, we react in anger and reject the advice and insist that we are right. We offer contorted arguments and reasons to prove ourselves to be true and innocent. For an onlooker, it can be truly embarrassing to hear our attempts to justify our behaviour,… Continue reading Verbal Judo
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Mouthpiece of the Heart

The tongue is the mouthpiece of the heart; whatever is in the heart will be revealed through the tongue. When a person is calm he can maintain a facade, however the moment he becomes angry, passionate or embroiled in an argument, his tongue will reveal what is truly in his heart. If a person does… Continue reading Mouthpiece of the Heart