Deep Roots

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Deep Roots

In a hadīth, the Prophet ﷺ has described the munāfiq and the muʾmin with examples of trees. The muʾmin is similar to a tree with deep roots. It is tall-standing and firm. Even when it is buffeted by the strong winds of a hurricane, the most that happens to it is that it sways and bends with the wind. It does… Continue reading Deep Roots
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In a hadeeth Rasūl Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم said: الوحدة خير من جليس السوء والجليس الصالح خير من الوحدة ”Solitude is better than bad company and good company is better than solitude.” [Bayhaqi – Shu’ab al Imaan] If a person cannot adopt good company, then he should remain in solitude. Nothing is more helpful… Continue reading Solitude