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The life of the Prophet ﷺ was one of calmness: calmness and patience in everything even when things did not go to plan. He was accepting, tolerant and patient. 
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Falling is Easy

Always remember that spirituality can easily be lost – climbing is difficult but falling is easy. Consolidate what you have i.e. fardh and sunnah acts of ibadah and take things slowly, with patience and perseverance.
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Die Before Your Death

At the time of death, the dying man possesses certain attributes whose inculcation is understood from the following aphorism: “Die before your death.” The attributes that are in the perfect state in the dying man are tawba (repentance), zuhd (abstention), qana’a (contentment), tawakkul (trust in Allah), azla (solitude), tawajjuh ila ‘Llah (attention directed to Allah),… Continue reading Die Before Your Death
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The Power of Duʿā

Allah سبحانه وتعالى out of love and compassion and in order to cleanse and purify a person and bring him closer to Him embroils him in tests, trials and tribulations. At such times one must not underestimate the power of duʿā (supplication) since it brings out all of the qualities Allah سبحانه وتعالى loves in a person. … Continue reading The Power of Duʿā