Inner Reformation

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Inner Reformation

The whole purpose of tazkiyah is to reform one’s fitrah (core character). A person may adopt a facade for a certain time, however when he is tested, his true fitrah emerges. On the path of spiritual purification, a person must strive and work hard in order to eradicate bad character.A spiritual guide can only help… Continue reading Inner Reformation
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Spiritual Reality

Allah سبحانه وتعالى says in the Holy Quran, وَمَنْ جَاهَدَ فَإِنَّمَا يُجَاهِدُ لِنَفْسِهِ “And whoever strives, thus he strives only for himself.” [al ʿAnkabūt 29/6] One can never progress on the path of tazkiyah without mujāhadah (striving against one’s nafs and carnal desires) and this, undoubtedly, is very difficult. However, if, with the Help of… Continue reading Spiritual Reality