Ramadan 2020 – Day 6: Sacred Hours

Ramadan 2020 – Day 6: Sacred Hours

“The hours, days and nights of Ramaḍān are sacred and one should be mindful of their sanctity just as one is mindful of the sanctity of the Ḥaram.” – Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq
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Our Time

Allah has given us time so that we may put it to good use and be grateful to Allah. What will our relationship be with Allah if we abuse it?
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Ramadan Day 22

Ramadan Day 22: He who wastes his time in Ramadhan is truly deprived of the virtues and forgiveness of this month. The sahabah رضى الله عنهم ensured that not a moment passed in futility.
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The Month of Silence

Anas bin Malik رضى الله عنه relates that Ramadhan arrived so the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ‘Indeed this month has come upon you, and therein is a night which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of it is deprived of all good, and none is deprived of it except one… Continue reading The Month of Silence
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Spiritual Deterioration

Man naturally deteriorates in spirituality over time. This is because no effort is required for this to happen. When a person is not doing any good, he falls into this state of decline. It is not that a person sins then a person becomes bad and only then declines in spirituality. Rather, if a person… Continue reading Spiritual Deterioration