Age of Being Excused
An excerpt from the talk, ‘Capitalise on 5 before 5‘
Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 24th February 2017 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester (UK)
Full talk: Capitalise on 5 before 5
It is mentioned in the Qurān that on the Day of Judgement some people will be asked, “Did We not give you enough age that someone who should have taken heed, would have taken heed? And did the warner not come to you?” What age is considered to be enough in relation to this verse and who is the ‘warner’?
There are two ways to look at this verse; the age with which a person should begin to realise and take heed and also the age until a person has exhausted all reason for excuse. The ‘warner’ referred to in this verse can be taken literally as being Rasūlullāh ﷺ, however the ṣaḥābah and tabi’īn have mentioned other possibilities.
Find out in this excerpt the age with which a person is to be excused and what is meant by ‘the warner’ in relation to this verse.
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