No Envy Except in Two Things
An excerpt from the talk, ‘The Lure of Shaytan & the Promise of Allah‘
Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 3rd February 2017 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester (UK)
Full talk: The Lure of Shaytan & the Promise of Allah
There are many different words for envy in the Arabic language including; ḥasad, ghibṭah, ghayrah and others. The differences between these are explained in this short excerpt as well as what a believer should avoid when it comes to envying others.
The type of envy that the Prophet ﷺ refers to in this ḥadīth is when a believer wants what someone else has so that they may gain reward by spending it in the way of Allāh. Envy which is condemned is when someone is passionate about what someone else has to the extend that they want it taken away from them.
Find out in this excerpt the different types of envy in Arabic and what is considered to be permissible in the eyes of Allāh.
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