The Two Hungry People
An excerpt from the talk, ‘The Lure of Shaytan & the Promise of Allah‘
Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 3rd February 2017 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester (UK)
Full talk: The Lure of Shaytan & the Promise of Allah
The Prophet ﷺ narrates a hadīth where he says, “There are 2 greedy people who are never satisfied; the seeker of knowledge and the seeker of the dunyā.” This hadīth details how the dunyā will never satisfy an individual regardless of how much they obtain. Shayṭān is one who tries to distract people from the worship of Allāh by promising them the dunyā and creates a drive within them to strive only for this world.
The Qurān informs us again and again that the pursuit of wealth creates delusion within a person. Examples from Sūrat al-Kahf and Sūrat al-Humazah are brought to show this delusion.
Find out in this excerpt how the pursuit of wealth, which is inspired by Shayṭān, can never leave a person satisfied.
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