The concept of ‘sticks and stones may break bones, but words never hurt’ does not stand in Islam. In Islam, we have always been taught that words can hurt as much as stones. Words can inflict as much pain as sticks. A broken bone can be mended, but a broken heart can not as easily be mended from hurtful words. …
Content Soul
March, 2018
8 March
A Suspended Duʿā
A person’s duʿā remains suspended between the heaven and the earth until he sends salutations on the Prophet ﷺ – – Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (عمر بن الخطاب) رضى الله عنه
1 March
Be Careful What You Say
We should be careful what we say and when. We do not know when Allāh will accept our duʿā or our words.
February, 2018
22 February
It Begins in the Mind
In a verse of the Holy Qurʾān, Allāh says: يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱجۡتَنِبُواْ كَثِيرً۬ا مِّنَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعۡضَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِثۡمٌ۬ۖ وَلَاتَجَسَّسُواْ وَلَا يَغۡتَب بَّعۡضُكُم بَعۡضًاۚ أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُڪُمۡ أَن يَأۡڪُلَ لَحۡمَ أَخِيهِ مَيۡتً۬ا فَكَرِهۡتُمُوهُۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ۬ رَّحِيمٌ۬ Oh believers! Abstain excessively from speculation (conjecture) for indeed some instances of conjecture are a sin. Do not investigate, do not …
15 February
Filling the Void
The Prophet ﷺ has said, “If the Son of Adam (Man) had a valley full of gold, he would desire a second valley; and if he was given a second valley, he would desire a third valley, and nothing will fill the cavity in Man except the dust of the Earth. And Allah forgives he who repents to Him.” [Bukhari] …
8 February
Social Concerns
One of the beauties of Islamic teaching is to visit the sick, to attend funerals and visit each other for the sake of Allah. These social etiquettes and social concerns are slowly being lost. We should be more social in our daily lives. In fact, one of the the wisdom’s of congregational salāh is it’s social effect. [This short excerpt …
1 February
Selfishness in Religion
We may think that piety and godliness lies only in our relationship with Allāh سبحانه وتعالى . The Qurʾān and hadith tell us that this is not the case. Allāh سبحانه وتعالى says: لَّيْسَ الْبِرَّ أَن تُوَلُّواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ قِبَلَ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَلَـكِنَّ الْبِرَّ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَالْمَلآئِكَةِ وَالْكِتَابِ وَالنَّبِيِّينَ وَآتَى الْمَالَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ ذَوِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينَ وَابْنَ السَّبِيلِ …
January, 2018
25 January
Your Last Day
Many scholars have said that you should live your day as if it is your last day.
19 January
Your Brief Stay
Some ulamā have said that we should regard our time in the dunya as the time between Adhān and Salāh.
11 January
Our Time
Allah has given us time so that we may put it to good use and be grateful to Allah. What will our relationship be with Allah if we abuse it?
4 January
Real Loss
Real loss is not the loss of wealth of possessions. Real loss is when a person allows themselves to be distracted by their dunya from the remembrance of Allah and their true purpose.
December, 2017
21 December
Chain of Purification
The true ulama were such that they were purified by their teachers and they purified their students.
7 December
Softening the Heart
Reciting durood (salutations upon the Messenger ﷺ) abundantly not only has a calming effect on a person but also softens the heart.
November, 2017
30 November
Falling is Easy
Always remember that spirituality can easily be lost – climbing is difficult but falling is easy. Consolidate what you have i.e. fardh and sunnah acts of ibadah and take things slowly, with patience and perseverance.
9 November
Love of Titles
As human beings, we love titles and want to be respected. Where does that desire come from? It comes from the nafs.
October, 2017
19 October
Man’s Natural Deterioration
A reminder from an old post that we naturally deteriorate in spirituality over time and we most strive to arrest that natural decline.
12 October
Pure Inner Spirit
The sahabah were not just concerned with physical, external ritual purity. Their external purification was also reflected in their inner spirit.