Ramadan Reflections 1
1. Fasting curbs our animalistic indulgence and carnality, and enables us to break free of the shackles of bestiality and soar to spirituality.
2. The Islamic purpose of fasting is to create taqwa: the soul’s own immune system, which develops resistance to spiritual diseases and sin.
3. Fasting curbs the cravings of the lower self, for when the body is hungry the nafs is full but when the body is full the nafs is hungry.
4. The first sin the Prophet (saws) warned against while fasting is vulgarity. Let us observe the fast of the tongue by avoiding all obscenity.
5. Ramadan is a quarantine: a sanitised and blessed atmosphere in which we spiritually recuperate, and immunise and heal our afflicted souls.
6. In Ramadan we should deny our overindulged bodies their earthly gratification and instead provide heavenly food for our malnourished souls.
7. The body is earthly and its nourishment comes from the earth. The spirit, however, is celestial and its nourishment comes only from Heaven.
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