ʿĀlim & ʿĀlimah Course

Al Kawthar Academy presents a part time ʿĀlim & ʿĀlimah course in English and Arabic for both brothers & sisters, taught by qualified ʿUlamā´ and ʿĀlimāt. This part time course, based on a classical curriculum, is designed to help beginners progress from an elementary stage to a very advanced level in Arabic and Islamic Studies. Taught in English with a progressive focus on Arabic, it comprises an in-depth study of many disciplines of Arabic and Islamic studies, including Arabic language and literature, theology, Qur´ān, Ḥadīth and Fiqh.

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ʿĀlimiyyah Course Online

This is a novel course offered by Al Kawthar Academy: a part-time online ʿālimiyyah programme. It is a dedicated online program, meaning it is not a hybrid online-onsite course, and consequently the instructors’ full focus and interaction will be with the online students. It is a rigorous course following a traditional syllabus, combining academic study with spirituality.

Live sessions will be conducted over Zoom and student attendance will be monitored.

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Islamic Essentials Course (Sisters Only)

A non-intensive Sunday class designed to help students improve their knowledge of Islamic essentials and enable them to apply what they learn to daily life.

This course is exclusively for sisters.

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