Sadaqah Jāriyah – Perpetual Reward.
Abū Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said:
‘When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except three; recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).’
[Saḥīḥ Muslim – Ḥadīth 4005]
As the above ḥadīth states, there are certain deeds wherein its rewards keep multiplying and benefiting a person even after their death, truly a great investment. Spreading sacred Islamic knowledge falls under sadaqah jāriyah, and this is the kind of work which Al Kawthar Academy is involved in.
Many of our efforts are funded through donations by committed individuals, and the time given to us by volunteers. The more people become involved, the more people we can reach out to. If our message reached and benefited you, why not make a donation and assist in spreading good.