Islamic Essentials Course (Sisters)

A non-intensive course designed to help students improve their knowledge of Islamic essentials and enable them to apply what they learn to daily life. Please register your interest early to secure a place as limited spaces are available.  

This course is exclusively for sisters, taught by qualified ʿālimāt.
This course is taught onsite only, and there is no online option.

Course Outline
Subject Curriculum
Qurʾān & Tajwīd Students will be able to:

  1. identify the makhraj of each letter and pronounce them correctly.
  2. recognise and implement the basic rules (e.g. nūn sākin and mīm sākin rules, qalqalah, full mouth letters).
  3. recite with fluency.
Fiqh Students will learn:

  1. the basic rulings of ṣalāh, zakāh, ḥajj and fasting.
  2. the rules of menstruation, nifās, miscarriage and other rulings related to females.
Aḥādīth & Adʿiyah Students will:

  1. study 40 aḥādīth.
  2. learn commonly read supplications.
Sīrah Students will explore the following aspects of the Prophet’s ﷺ life:

  1. Birth and upbringing
  2. Major battles
  3. Final days and passing
  4. Brief summary of the four khulafāʾ
  5. Important dates
Dates and Timings

Course start date: Sunday 1st September 2024
Days and Timings: Sundays from 10am – 1pm
Course Duration: 1 year
Please note that course availability, dates and timings are subject to change.


Minimum entry age: 16 (by course start date)


Annual course fee: £300
The annual fee may be paid outright at the start of each academic year, or as ten monthly instalments of £30