Utter Devotion

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Utter Devotion

Allāh told the Prophet ﷺ at the beginning of Prophethood ‘Read by the name of your Lord.’ [Sūrat ul-ʿAlaq]. We look at this verse and think look how much the Qurʾān has emphasised learning and education. It is true. But, has the the Qurʾān focussed on, and emphasised, learning and education purely for the the… Continue reading Utter Devotion
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Goal of Fasting

As we approach Ramaḍān, we should think about the purpose of fasting. The goal of the fast is to work on the rūḥ. In the entire Quran, Allāh only mentions one specific and direct objective of fasting: to create taqwá. In Sūrat al-Baqarah, Allāh says: “Oh Believers! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it… Continue reading Goal of Fasting
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Stopping at the Door

The exterior teaching of religion is the key to the door to the inner world of spirituality. The interior (spirituality) cannot be achieved without the exterior but the danger is that we stop at the door and do not move forward.
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A Dangerous Weapon

Apparent knowledge in itself is a weapon. Ilm creates arrogance and without the necessary tools is extremely dangerous. Ilm is only beneficial when it comes accompanied with adab, spirituality and fear of Allāh. Rasūl Allāh ﷺ used to supplicate “O Allāh, I seek refuge (and protection) in You from ilm which does not benefit” [Reported… Continue reading A Dangerous Weapon
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Man’s Natural Deterioration

A reminder from an old post that we naturally deteriorate in spirituality over time and we most strive to arrest that natural decline. http://www.contentsoul.com/2010/08/05/spiritual-deterioration/