The Prophet’s ﷺ Triumph over Hearts
The Prophet’s ﷺ Triumph over Hearts

The Prophet’s ﷺ Triumph over Hearts

The Prophet ﷺ was sent as a mercy to all of mankind and he demonstrated kindness and compassion throughout his life. It was through his character that he was able to win over some of the most severe enemies of Islam. His compassion and warmth drew people towards him and he remained patient during trials. 

InshaAllah Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq will detail how the Prophet ﷺ won over the hearts of others and how his example should be reflected within us. 

This lecture will be held on Friday 16th March 2018 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester, and there are facilities for brothers and sisters.

Event Start:
Friday 16th March 2018 @ 8:30pm

Event End:
Friday 16th March 2018 @ 10pm

Event Status:
Event Scheduled

Venue name : Al Kawthar Academy Brothers' Entrance
Address : 45-53 Smith Dorrien Road
(Opposite Masjid Ali)