A Deadly Disease

Arrogance is such a severe disease of the heart because an arrogant person is not merely objecting to Allah’s division and distribution in His creation, as with envy, but is actually challenging Allāh in His greatness. We learn from the ḥadīth that greatness, grandness and pride are the garments of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى and whoever wishes to claim them is challenging Allāh in His attributes. Which one of us can say that we are pure and free of pride and arrogance? We may have belittled someone even in thought, held someone in contempt or regarded someone as being beneath us. Each of these actions is a sign of arrogance. May Allah protect us from this deadly spiritual disease. [This short excerpt is based on a spiritual gathering held by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 16th November 2014].
arrogance, Pride