Islam, Iman & Ihsan: The Hadith of Jibril Part 2
Islām, Īmān & Iḥsān: The Ḥadīth of Jibrīl Part 2/4 – Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 12th February 2016 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester (UK)
The Ḥadīth of Jibrīl is highly regarded by the Ulama as being one of the greatest Hadith of Islam. Some even go as far as to say that all the teachings of religion stem from this one Hadith. This Hadith is comprehensive and covers everything, from the basic beliefs of every Muslim and their relationship with Allah to the Signs of the Hour. Some Ulama have gone to the extent of beginning their books with this Hadith, just as Imam Muslim has done in his Sahih.
This is the second lesson of the commentary of the Ḥadīth of Jibrīl which answers the question, ‘What is lmān?’. lmān, as it is outlined in the Qur’an and Sunnah, has been explained in this lesson. The effects of firm belief have also been outlined, including liberation by believing in predestination.
Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk:
10:35 – The patience of the Prophet ﷺ when challenged.
19:50 – What is Iman?
29:00 – The importance of correct belief
38:24 – How to taste the sweetness of Iman
54:00 – What is true belief in the Resurrection?
1:00:32 – Belief in predestination
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