al-Ḥudaybiyah: The Truce of Victory Part 5

al-Ḥudaybiyah: The Truce of Victory Part 5/8 – Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 6th November 2015 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester)

This lesson highlights the realisation of the Quraish that their stance would not do them any favours and negotiations should be pursued. Rasūl Allāh ﷺ also sent two representatives to the Quraish. Sayyiduna Uthman رضى الله عنه was one of these representatives and rumours of his death lead to the Bayah of Pleasure which is covered in detail.

Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk:

  • Miqraz ibn Hafs offers to speak on behalf of the Quraish
  • Why was Sayyiduna Uthman رضى الله عنه chosen?
  • The bay’ah given to Rasūl Allāh ﷺ in al-Hudaybiyah
  • The meaning of fitnah in Arabic
  • Did Sayyiduna Uthman رضى الله عنه retreat in the Battle of Uhud?
  • Who was Suhail ibn Amar?
  • What does ‘Ahlan wa sahlan’ mean?
  • Sa’eed ibn Al-Musayyib رحمة الله عليه

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Al-Hudaybiyah: The Truce of Victory