Spiritual Retreat

Iʿtikāf is a form of seclusion and retreat where we stay in the masjid for a number of days, devoting ourselves to the ibadah of Allah and staying away from worldly affairs. The original meaning of i’tikāf was not just restricted to this. It meant to devote oneself and focus oneself on something to the exclusion of everything else. Ramadan is a form of iʿtikāf for the entire month. We should treat the whole of Ramadan as a spiritual retreat where we devote ourselves to, and focus on, the ibadah of Allah to the exclusion of everything else. In daily worship, it can be very difficult to reach elevated states of spirituality. However, in Ramadan the whole environment and climate changes drastically which can help us reach higher levels of spirituality. To achieve this, we need to seclude and detach ourselves from worldly matters.

[This short excerpt is based on the talk ‘Ramadan: A Spiritual Retreat’ which was delivered by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq on 14th May 2017].

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