Allah, The One, The Unique: A Tafsir of Surat al-Ikhlas [Surah 112]
‘Allah, The One, The Unique: A Tafsir of Surat ‘l Ikhlas’ delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 25th May 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester, United Kingdom.
The core content of the Qurʾān can be classified as being related to one of three categories; either the Creator, the relationship between the Creator and the creation or the relationship between the creation and fellow creation.
Sūrat ʼl Ikhlāṣ is related to the Creator, Allāh and His unique nature. For this reason it is considered as one third of the Qurʾān in its meanings and messages.
This sūrah speaks about the oneness of Allāh and monotheism. It emphasises the importance of making religion sincere and exclusive for Allāh in all deeds and actions. Its profound meanings and messages are the very foundation of faith and the Qurʾān.
Study and understand the concept of tawḥīd and oneness of Allāh, his unique attributes and the overall virtues of this sūrah by listening to this detailed exegesis. The Prophet ﷺ says in a ḥadīth, ‘Whosoever recites this sūrah 10 times, Allāh will build a palace for him in Jannah.’ [Aḥmad]
Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk:
10:03 – What makes Sūrat ʾl Ikhlāṣ is equivalent to one third of the Qurʾān?
22:57 – How did people view Allāh at the time of Rasūlullāh ﷺ?
31:56 – How monotheists are guilty of polytheism.
44:45 – Doubts about the origins of Allāh instigated by Shayṭān
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