The Striking Blow: A Tafsir of Surat al-Qariah [Surah 101]

The Striking Blow A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Ul Qāriʿah – Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 21st June 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester)

The commentary of this sūrah is a brief depiction of the Day of Reckoning and its terrifying nature. Sturdy mountains will be uprooted and reduced to cotton wool. People will be confused and bewildered just like scattered moths around a light.

Amongst all this havoc, the Qurʾān describes the destiny of a person being measured by the scales of Justice. Those whose good deeds are found to be heavier than their evil deeds, will be blessed with bliss and happiness, and the people whose good deeds are found to be lighter than their evil deeds, will face utter destruction and an abode of abyss.

This commentary details the significance of the fear of Allāh and the great need to live a meaningful and worthy life before Allāh. The manner of achieving this has also been discussed in great detail.

Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk:

6:49 – What are the other names of the Day of Judgement?
16:13 – What will be the state of human beings on the Day of Judgement?
25:41 – The scales of reckoning
35:40 – What is the weight of the Kalimah?
45:38 – What is the smallest thing visible to man?
49:10 – What deeds are heavy on the scales of Allāh?
54:04 – What does the final ḥadīth in each book of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī refer to?
58:58 – What is the longest verse in the Holy Qurʾān?

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Surah 89 - Surah 114, Tafsir