Ramadan 2020 – Day 30: Farewell

Ramadan 2020 – Day 21: Last Ten

“Aishah (ra) said, ‘When the last ten days would begin the Prophet ﷺ would fasten his cloth, keep vigil, and awaken his family.’ (al-Bukhari)” – Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq
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Nice Guys Finish Last

Deception is a trait of hypocrisy.  For every single trait of hypocrisy, you will note that the opposite will be true for īmān and the believers. What is the opposite of deception? Innocence. A believer is innocent and trusting.  Rasūl Allāh ﷺ was innocent, believing and trusting. That is the character of a believer. The opposite is true of a… Continue reading Nice Guys Finish Last