The Hypocrites: A Tafsir of Surat al-Munafiqun Part 3

The Hypocrites: A Tafsīr of Sūrat al-Munāfiqūn Part 3
Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 22nd March 2019 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester

Sūrat al-Munāfiqūn is the 63rd chapter in the Qurān and was revealed in Medina. It is a sūrah detailing some of the claims and plots of the hypocrites and is one which the Prophet ﷺ would often recite during the Friday prayers. This series details the causes of revelation for each verse as well as an in-depth analysis of aḥādīth surrounding these events.

The third part of this series moves from focusing on the hypocrites in general, to a separate group who were considered their leaders. The political situation in Makkah and Madinah is explained as well as what characteristics made people rise up to become informal leaders. These characteristics are often the same as what we aspire to, however they do not mean anything in the eyes of Allāh.

The talk then details the interior of the hypocrites’ by explaining how they are “like propped-up timber”. In relation to this, emphasis is also placed on the importance of fulfilling the adab of a religious gathering and examples are cited from past scholars. It is mentioned that the hypocrites were always fearful to be caught out for their foul interior.

Towards the end of the talk the difficulty of handling liars is explained and why we should never laugh at someone who has been deceived – innocence being a characteristic of a believer. It is also mentioned that the Prophet ﷺ had respect for non-Muslims who he had dealings with since these, as opposed to hypocrites, at least were honest in their disbelief.

Below are some of the timecodes and topics for this talk:

1:50 – Recap and Translation of the First 3 Verses
10:00 – Selected Hypocrites Targeted in the Surah
15:15 – Description of the Dar al-Nadwa in Makkah
24:02 – Qualities we Aspire to and Admire in Others
28:50 – The Meaning of Propped-up Timber
33:10 – The Etiquettes of Religious Gatherings
41:15 – Allah Rewards Like with Like
50:53 – The Hypocrites Living in Fear
1:05:55 – The Prophet ﷺ Respecting Non-Muslims he had Dealings With

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The Hypocrites: A Tafsir of Surat al-Munafiqun