Ramadan 2018 – Day 25: Purity

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Pure Inner Spirit

The sahabah were not just concerned with physical, external ritual purity. Their external purification was also reflected in their inner spirit. 
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Ramadan Day 28

Ramadan Day 28: ‘There are many who purify their clothes yet pollute their faith!’ – The companion Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah (رضى الله عنه). 
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A Beautiful Garden

The heart should be thought of as a garden. To make a beautiful garden, one of the first thing you have to do is clean out the garden – remove all the nettles, brambles, weeds, clean and prepare the soil. You have to then maintain the weeding to prevent them from overgrowing. To cultivate a… Continue reading A Beautiful Garden
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Polluted Faith

‘There are many who purify their clothes yet pollute their faith!’ – The companion Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah (رضى الله عنه). — Tweet by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq @sh_riyadhulhaq November 3 2015
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Am I responsible?

Imam Nasa’i and others relates a ḥadīth where it is mentioned that Rasūl Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم led Fajr salah. He was reciting the Holy Qur’an and experienced some difficulties in the recitation. After salah he turned to the congregation and said to ‘Oh people! Make good your wudhu. Some of you do not complete your… Continue reading Am I responsible?
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Constancy in 8 Things

When a person reaches the stage of ihsaan, his walking, talking, sitting and so on all become ibaadah (worship) because he is conscious of Allah at all times; thus, his whole life becomes ibaadah. However before a person can reach this lofty stage he must firstly become constant in, and perfect, 8 beginning stages: 1.  … Continue reading Constancy in 8 Things