Provisions of Taqwa

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Provisions of Taqwa

We should always prepare for, and be mindful of the terminator of all pleasures: death. Below is an English translation of a beautiful Arabic poem where the author reminds us to prepare provisions of Taqwá: Oh Man! Prepare your provisions of Taqwa For indeed you do not know when the night settles with its darkness… Continue reading Provisions of Taqwa
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The Final Message

What was the last verse of the Qur’an to be revealed? Many people believe it to be: On this day I have completed my blessing and favour to you and I am content with Islam  as a deen and religion for you [ Surah al-Māʾidah 5:3] However this was not the case.The last verse to… Continue reading The Final Message
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Relieved of the World

When a person departs from this realm in to the realm of the hereafter, either they are relieved of the world or the world is relieved of them. When a good person passes away, they are relieved of the fatigue, pain and trouble of the world. When a bad person dies, then we learn from… Continue reading Relieved of the World
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Your Last Day

Many scholars have said that you should live your day as if it is your last day.
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Your Brief Stay

Some ulamā have said that we should regard our time in the dunya as the time between Adhān and Salāh.
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Create provisions of Taqwa

We are so obsessed with physical health and fitness with no regard for our spiritual health, yet anything can happen. A poet says: Oh son of Adam Prepare for death Create provisions of Taqwa For indeed you do not know When the night falls with its complete darkness Whether you will survive until the morning… Continue reading Create provisions of Taqwa
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Pearls of Wisdom 1

Below are some pearls of wisdom taken from a few majalis (gatherings for spiritual training) held by  Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq in 1998: •    Part of the cure to the diseases of the heart is to realise their dangers and how they manifest themselves in a person. •    If a person does not work on… Continue reading Pearls of Wisdom 1